Sunday, March 30, 2014

Squid Pasta & Persimmon

Persimmon & Squid Pasta
Rainy day ...light lunch meeting ...Squid ink pasta & Persimmon on the menu...Squid ink actually from the cuttlefish, a cousin of the squid, doesn't have much in nutritional value but does have theraputic value.. I really do like the look of this pasta....So mysterious but mild in taste....I balance the light pasta taste  with Persimmon slices.  This fruits savory sweet in taste lacks the concerned aspects of nutrients such as Fat, Cholesterol, and Sodium but is high in fiber Potassium and Vitamin C.  This pretty mass of orange persimmon fruit contains enough nutrients to protect us from free radicals. The sweetness of the Persimmons offsets the blandness of the pasta...It's an amazing combination.  On the heels of this dish is a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.  So well mix for the pasta.  The look and feel of this dish screams YES!...Dig in my friends