Sunday, February 1, 2015


Let's talk  YOGI TEA....I have the true solution for liquid happiness on a cold snowy day...A bowl (yep..YOGI teas are so tasty I drink them by the bowl) of YOGI tea coursing through my veins.  totally caffeine free (not all flavors though.  I opt out of the caffeinated varieties.).  I order umpteen boxes at a time...Yep..I'm addicted to my YOGI..These teas are full of natural organic ingredients obtained throughout the world.  Let me share a few of my favorites. "RELAXED MIND"  I can never get enough spiritual growth..thanks to ingredient Helichrysum.. "COLD SEASON"..Jolt the system away from an impending cold by filling it with this 16 ingredient tea including Basil/Oregano and Parsley Leaf. all supportive functionally of digestion/ bladder/lung and sinus...It's good to periodically flush impurities from the body in order to assist my kidney and liver maintaining a happy median and inner refreshing feeling.. .  A great way to accomplish this cleansing is with Rhubarb Root in conjunction with Yellow Dock, ingredients in YOGI BERRY DETOX tea. .    Relax CALMING" infused with Chamomile, Lemongrass.  Lavender flowers assist in this Calming dance.   Love the "SOOTHING CARAMEL BEDTIME"  The aroma of ginger root/caramel/nutmeg unexplainably euphoric. naturally sends the body into sleepy mode...yaaawwwnnn!!!!  Digestively speaking.."LEMON GINGER" love drinking the lemon/orange peel as opposed to chewing ginger root...aroma like no other...I hear my digestive system screaming.."drink up!!!" 
Berry Detox/Honey Lavender