Ok....one would think outside of all the natural sweets my vibe exudes through writing my dietary habits may be quite bland......Hmmmm...well...let me inform you. . . Not such the case...My better half can attest to that.....For reasonings beyond what you may presume I trounce on him with my nutritional finds.
Grandma Hoerners "Organic Apricot reduced sugar preserve ....http://grandmahoerners.com great tasting perserve with so few calories....The apricot is to die for...not literally...but from a preserve standpoint its the closest you'll get to fruitful heaven. . .taking along with you a sandwich on pumpernickel bread with Almond butter and Grandma's Hoerners's Organic Natural Apricot Reduced Sugar perserves and enter the pearlly gates you will...hmmm...we won't take this literally...just have a taste and dream. . .