Saturday, March 31, 2012

Brussell Sprouts

Lets Cook!
Caramelized Brussell Sprouts & Red Onions
It’s a rainy day. .I’ll cook with a sunny mindset . Caramelized Brussell Sprouts with assistance of Almond Oil  and red onions will shine like the sun in my soul. . The good thing about these delicious little vegetables packed with loads of nutrients is as good as they taste you’re able to have more than one. . Eating 4-6 sprouts give you max amount of Vitamin C for a day. . A LITTLE goes a LONG way!!  You anticipate the fork pierce for this sprout to take a trip to the greatest place "my stomach" to expel nutrients such as Vitamin C. .Yep! nearly 50% more Vitamin C than is in an Orange.  WAIT! there's more!..Brussell Sprouts contain nitrogen compounds called indoles, known for cancer fighting properties. As well being a great source of folate, potassium, vitamin K, fibre and beta carotene.. .Some dishes finale leave you with the thought of "oh when I cook this again" Not brussel sprouts.  Enough is made so you can feel that continuos sprout of taste again..again and again! Gazing downward at plate.  That was so delicious. . They’re all gone! I ate more than 6. .

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Onions hanging out on Tracie's Sill
Onions checking out the view

I not only like red onions because their color conforms to the design of my kitchen and are as sweet as the woman that cooks with them. THAT BEING MOI! Their visual is just as great as their sweet mellow taste . ."Yellow" .."Red". . so beautifully paired together.  I enjoy cooking with them simultaneously as I like the mix of their taste.  Sauteed in olive oil or marinating them with fish.  Red being an ideal addition to a salad or simmering vegetables . Yellow for baking.  They both possess similar nutritional value being Iron, Calcium and Vitamin C and fiber. About the tears created. . They are tears of joy relating to the finished dish. . I'm in the mood for onions. Open up the flood gates. .. . Let the tears flow. . 

Friday, March 2, 2012


Thy royal lemons
Tracie loves her lemons
Usually my first thought upon opening my eyes in the morning is the joy I am about to feel while preparing a mug of hot water and lemon. I flip the kitchen light on and there I see these bright yellow fruits ready to brighten an already brightened soul.  Lemons are treated like royalty in my home. .They truly are! second in line for the throne tho as I am the true royal of my abode.. .These brightly colored fruits stacked high and about to be squeezed into some steaming hot water. .exposing  Vitamin C that boosts the immune system. .high in potassium which stimulates brain and nerve function and controls blood pressure. Calcium, Magnesium, Pectin, bioflavonoids and limonene all which fights infections.  These pretty bright lemons keep you ZEN as vitamin C is the first thing depleted when our bodies are subjected to stress. . Lemons to the rescue for replenishment.  The liver can make more enzymes out of lemons than any other element enhancing the efficiency of our liver function. . Who would have thought a fruit so bright could be so powerful. Royalty has its benefits!