Friday, January 27, 2012


Tracie's Salmon w/red peppers YUM
Side dish white asparagus
Have to whip up a quick meal.. House guests from Paris landing soon. . .Lunch is on Tracie. . ”OUI OUI":) . . Food flash . "SALMON". . ocean farmed raised Alaskan red being one of the best sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, providing up to four times the amount of other fish...Recent studies found that women who eat fatty fish once a week have a 40% lower risk of heart disease. Salmon!.. .U have my HEART! I peer down lovingly as I dress it delicately in Rosemary. . trickle olive oil . ..splash of red peppers and red onions . side dish of white asparagus. .VOILA. . 
Plated . .Oh my!

Gotta run..I'm excited! Guests have arrived

"Le dejeuner est servi "
(lunch is served)  

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