Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hearts of Palm

  My world is encompassed in a euphouric state of

" Love :) Peace :) & Harmonee:)"

There is a vegetable produced by the Sabal Palmito palm tree thriving in Central and South America that lives in the love aspect of my world. That amazing vegetable is:

"Hearts of Palm"
 Melodic in sound.. soft, smooth and delicately sweet to the palate. . .great in any dish. . hot or cold.. I eat the "palms"in clusters and smile as they cascade down my throat . . visualizing the palms dancing around my heart dousing it with its wonderful vitamins and minerals .  My heart reciprocates with smiles as it welcomes the nutrients  (calcium, zinc, vitamin A and potassium, magnesium)...

And who wouldn't want a happy heart!!

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