Thursday, April 26, 2012


Fresh Asparagus
Asparagus glistening with taste
It’s a little breezy day.    I’m going to make oven roasted Asparagus for a finger food snack.   I view these lean elegant green stalks peaking out from their watery home in the market.  I get obsessive with the thought of purchasing and feel a sense of loss if I leave any behind so I buy them by the bunches…not just a bunch.  I enjoy them in various ways..roasted, baked or steamed.  But my ultra favorite is baking.  This way secures the majority of the vitamins such as the enormous amount of the B vitamin folate.  After dressing in grape seed oil and baking they glisten with taste.   Look to your right! Aren't they!! At times to tasteful for sharing.  I enjoy them with goat cheese red pepper spread.  The taste is exceptional something I’m considered they owe me for helping them escape that watery fortress in the market

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