Thursday, April 26, 2012

Broccoli & Pineapple

Broccoli & Pineapple
Fresh Broccoli
Broccoli salad preparation is underway.  Yum! These beautiful rosettes are known to have been popular in Italy since the Roman times.    How contrite for this Italian fashionista. I prefer to eat them raw as cooking will destroy 90% of a beneficial anti-cancer compound called Sulforane.  Off with that oven please!!  Besides I think the rosettes are too pretty to cook.   I would like to eat this vegetable with joy all the while absorbing its nutrients to capacity.  Mixed  with fresh pineapples and drizzled with Vinegrette gives this salad a sweet tangy afternoon breezy taste.  Complemented with the thoughts of the magnificent nutrients both are wrought with such as the vast amounts of Vitamin C and manganese in the pineapples and the anti-oxidant Vitamin A in broccoli make you want to never stop crunching on this dish I am now devouring as I blog.  I just couldn't resist the wait time!!

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