Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Red Cabbage

Tracie in the kitchen
Went on vegetable binge today. . .via the market. . One of my all time favorite runs. . .I walk toward the vegetables ready to embrace them like one would a friend they haven't seen in awhile and picking them up from the airport for a long anticipated visit .."What an embrace". . .Ahhhh. . so glad you're here. . I zoom in on this purplish round rose like vegetable, , One that has graced my palate on many occasions. .RED CABBAGE. . Red has twice the amount of vitamin C than green cabbage. . Low in saturated fat and Cholesterol  . .I opt for red which I will braise in almond oil. .sprinkle with reduced fat Feta cheese. . Taste and smile with glee.

Tracie's finished dish. .Can we say delicious?!  YEP!

"Sigh"..You have to taste it to know it. .!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Asparagus & Beets

Early afternoon in the hills of L.A.. . .preparing lunch for friends.  feeling Beets and Asparagus.. . Beets!!. . One of the many vegetables I could eat everyday, all day.. pickled.. steamed. . what a joyous vegetable.  I purchase them fresh and actually lay them across the dining table until its time for cooking.. my silver mauve walls make the perfect backdrop. ..such creative elegance. .with their rich source of Glycine betaines which lowers the level of a highly toxic metabolite homcysteine found in our blood thus enabling blood to happily churn through our veins …what a feeling. . Pass the Beets please!!!

Asparagus**although in a class of its own they work well with beets.. ..the tasteful snap of it slightly steamed. ...or that smooth taste after roasting in pistachio oil and drizzled with orange zest. .amazing vegetable...known as one of the most nutritionally well balanced vegetable in existence. Its wealth of nutrients, fiber and very low sodium and calorie content make asparagus a nutritionally wise choice for today's health-conscious consumer.  Consider me "pro" asparagus. .

My friends have no idea the delicious meal that awaits them!! Combined with their nutritional delights this should make a great afternoon gathering. . 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nutritional Sweets would think outside of all the natural sweets my vibe exudes through writing my dietary habits may be quite bland......Hmmmm...well...let me inform you. . . Not such the case...My better half can attest to that.....For reasonings beyond what you may presume I trounce on him with my nutritional finds.
Grandma Hoerners "Organic Apricot reduced sugar preserve ....  great tasting perserve with so few calories....The apricot is to die for...not literally...but from a preserve standpoint its the closest you'll get to fruitful heaven. . .taking along with you a sandwich on pumpernickel bread with Almond butter and Grandma's Hoerners's Organic Natural Apricot Reduced Sugar perserves and enter the pearlly gates you will...hmmm...we won't take this literally...just have a taste and dream. . .

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hearts of Palm

  My world is encompassed in a euphouric state of

" Love :) Peace :) & Harmonee:)"

There is a vegetable produced by the Sabal Palmito palm tree thriving in Central and South America that lives in the love aspect of my world. That amazing vegetable is:

"Hearts of Palm"
 Melodic in sound.. soft, smooth and delicately sweet to the palate. . .great in any dish. . hot or cold.. I eat the "palms"in clusters and smile as they cascade down my throat . . visualizing the palms dancing around my heart dousing it with its wonderful vitamins and minerals .  My heart reciprocates with smiles as it welcomes the nutrients  (calcium, zinc, vitamin A and potassium, magnesium)...

And who wouldn't want a happy heart!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lets Enjoy some Tea

Day has wound down. . . Late evening is setting in...Time to relax and reflect.  So how do I do that?
"Tea" …I long for a bowl of herbal tea.. .(yep! bowl)..I like it that much. . Internal shower for the soul. My favorite being Chamomile
My new favorite …ACAI –Blueberry..This beautiful grape color berry that upon steeping presents itself a wistful Shiraz color.   
I curl up with my bowl and invite calm feelings as I sip and engross in the thought of the many health benefits. A few being Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, Carbohydrates (good ones!), Protein,  Vitamins A & C, Calcium and Iron.  All which are quite beneficial to the cardiovascular, digestive and immune system. 

I like to mix my teas for the flavor and taste . . Lemongrass & Ginger. . . Pomegranate & Chamomile....Acai & Aloe Vera. . . .

My teapot is whistling…Time for tea:)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Exotic Gourmet Oils

I love food to have aroma. .  Aroma invites you to taste the dish. 

During a trip to L.A. I had an Arugala salad with this amazing Almond aroma. . I hunted down the chef to retrieve the whereabouts of this oil. . I've been hooked ever since. . La Tourangelle. . .California Gourmet Oils. .  produces the best oils. . such as Roasted Hazelnut, Grapeseed, White Truffle, Avocado, Walnut. . .oh and lets not forget Almond. .

These oils should not be limited to salads. . .Considering the ingredients of the meal the flavor will be enhanced tremendously. No matter your method of cooking these oils will tell an aromatic story featuring your ingredients...

I've enjoyed sauteeing mushrooms in Hazelnut oil . . .baking Salmon/yellow peppers and red onions in Grapeseed oil. . .sauteeing fresh spinach in Almond Oil. .
The health benefits are great. . .View the website for nutritional facts. . .

Thanks for reading . . .Im hungry. . Have to go cook!! I taste Shrimps cooked in Avocado oil!!