Friday, October 5, 2012

Organic crackers/Salmon/eggwhites/parsley

Good morning!!  Let me share my marvelous breakfast I'm conjuring up in my kitchen. . After a busy week I'm going to relax this morning with a fantastic meal of eggwhites/salmon and organic crackers.   Egg-whites dressed in parsley, besides being visibly edible, come with the gift of calcium, phosphorous and potassium.   Parsley is a great kidney stimulant in eliminating poisonous waste thus maintaining healthy blood.  Nibbling raw as I type!!  Olive oil baked organic crackers with just the right amount of light taste and carbs....Despite the negative hype about carbs our aging selves do require an amount of such, non excessively though.  Salmon...oh Salmon. . .smoked so delicately..atop the crackers. . .sinfully delicisio. . ..Breakfast was so satisfying to my soul this morning..

Monday, October 1, 2012


Arugula & Mozzarella
Arugula & Mozzarella
These dainty feminine leaves will do me well today for a quick eat. Looking at them in the salad bowl it amazes me such soft sweet looking dainty green pack such a powerful punch of nutrients. These light feathered greens encompass a mass amount of nutrients include Zinc, Copper, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Potassium.  Along with said mentioned nutrients tagging behind joyfully are Vitamins B6, A, C, and K.  Arugula are also a great source of Protein and Dietary Fiber.  I enjoy eating them raw as I feel if steamed many of the nutrients would decrease when wilted.  I dress them with part-skim mozzarella cheese.  Part-skim cheese joining the mix as it containing less fat and calories along with matching the light airy taste of Arugula.  I scooped the Arugula up and smile as I introduce them to my palate lightly as they look and feel sliding past the palate into my system.   The mozzarella being a welcomed  party to this snack.


Emerald KiwiFruit

This interesting looking fruit called Kiwi is such a mystery in taste considering Kiwis' furry look.  What a burst of excitement I feel when I bite down on its savory tart emerald green artfully picturesque inner pulp. To know with each bite the immense amount of nutrients I’m consuming such as vitamn C, potassium and vitamin E masks the wrinkle of the tartness.  This interestingly looking fruit is also low fat, saturated fat free, sodium and cholesterol free.  This fruit can be utilized in a variety of ways but I like to enjoy the taste alone so all of the wonderful nutrients can cultivate with no interruptions through my welcoming organs.  I can honestly not eat just one.  I'm on a KiwiFruit journey and the ride is tastefully great!