Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mango & Dates

Mango & Dates
Mango & Dates
It’s a rainy day in New York but I’m in a tropical state of mind.  About to introduce my body to the same feel with a Mango & Date salad.  Mango known as “King of  Fruit” affords us loads of nutrients such as Vitamin A,C, B6, Potassium and Copper.  Mango's contain a great source of beta-carotene which slows the aging process.  Sounds good but I KNOW I don’t want to be (?)<<--(covering my mouth) forever:).  Copper I find an interesting source of nutrient in Mango's.  Copper helps in the production of collagen as well as being an active brain stimulant.  Any nutrient beneficial to the brain is okay by me.  The brain RULES!!  Dates have chosen to accompany mango on this ride on the palate.  Dates bring along to this soiree their own nutrients such as Vitamin A, C as well sufficient amounts of fiber.  What a glorious treat for a rainy day.  Makes it all the better!

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