Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Blackberries & Bananas

Bananas & Blackberries
Tasty snack of Bananas & Blackberries
Blackberries caught my eye today at the market.  What can we do with these little black berries and who shall accompany them in the bowl of happiness.   BANANAS! I call it my quick fix food.  I had been craving one for a bit as I introduce this fruit full of vitamins and minerals to my palate just about every day.  It’s a major source of POTASSIUM and vitamins A & C.  Their bowl buddy blackberries also contain a vast amount of vitamins such as A, E & K.  Eating these fruits with similar vitamins and minerals in combination definitely gives you the most for a fruit salad affording your body a double dose of pleasure per spoonful.  I doubt very much if our bodies would argue with that.

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