Friday, October 5, 2012

Organic crackers/Salmon/eggwhites/parsley

Good morning!!  Let me share my marvelous breakfast I'm conjuring up in my kitchen. . After a busy week I'm going to relax this morning with a fantastic meal of eggwhites/salmon and organic crackers.   Egg-whites dressed in parsley, besides being visibly edible, come with the gift of calcium, phosphorous and potassium.   Parsley is a great kidney stimulant in eliminating poisonous waste thus maintaining healthy blood.  Nibbling raw as I type!!  Olive oil baked organic crackers with just the right amount of light taste and carbs....Despite the negative hype about carbs our aging selves do require an amount of such, non excessively though.  Salmon...oh Salmon. . .smoked so delicately..atop the crackers. . .sinfully delicisio. . ..Breakfast was so satisfying to my soul this morning..

Monday, October 1, 2012


Arugula & Mozzarella
Arugula & Mozzarella
These dainty feminine leaves will do me well today for a quick eat. Looking at them in the salad bowl it amazes me such soft sweet looking dainty green pack such a powerful punch of nutrients. These light feathered greens encompass a mass amount of nutrients include Zinc, Copper, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium and Potassium.  Along with said mentioned nutrients tagging behind joyfully are Vitamins B6, A, C, and K.  Arugula are also a great source of Protein and Dietary Fiber.  I enjoy eating them raw as I feel if steamed many of the nutrients would decrease when wilted.  I dress them with part-skim mozzarella cheese.  Part-skim cheese joining the mix as it containing less fat and calories along with matching the light airy taste of Arugula.  I scooped the Arugula up and smile as I introduce them to my palate lightly as they look and feel sliding past the palate into my system.   The mozzarella being a welcomed  party to this snack.


Emerald KiwiFruit

This interesting looking fruit called Kiwi is such a mystery in taste considering Kiwis' furry look.  What a burst of excitement I feel when I bite down on its savory tart emerald green artfully picturesque inner pulp. To know with each bite the immense amount of nutrients I’m consuming such as vitamn C, potassium and vitamin E masks the wrinkle of the tartness.  This interestingly looking fruit is also low fat, saturated fat free, sodium and cholesterol free.  This fruit can be utilized in a variety of ways but I like to enjoy the taste alone so all of the wonderful nutrients can cultivate with no interruptions through my welcoming organs.  I can honestly not eat just one.  I'm on a KiwiFruit journey and the ride is tastefully great!

Saturday, August 18, 2012


My favorite of the melon group is "Cantaloupe".   This fruit that scores an "A" in nutritional grade makes for a great snack on this 90+ degree plus day.   This orange slice of melon is sweet and succulent in taste and encompasses a very high source of vitamin C, A and potassium and is high in dietary fiber and niacin.  The juice of cantaloupes are good for keeping the body hydrated.   Cantaloupes are high in anti-oxidants which assist in prevention of heart disease and cancer.  Vitamin C amounts in cantaloupe stimulates the white cells to prevent infections and strengthens the immune system as well as preventing many degenerative diseases.  The potassium helps to keep the heartbeat normalized and regulates the body's water balance by excreting excess sodium Wow at the vast nutrients and their benefits.   I'm glancing over at this marvelous melon to which I will joyously devour another slice.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Catfish Nugget

Farm raised Catfish Nuggets
Catfish Nuggets Treat
Its a hot day.  I opt for  indoor entertainment. Catfish Nuggets, friends and moi!  As they are of short preparation time I'm assured to have this dish completed in time for guests arrival.  The excessive heat will not be a bother to us as we sit absorbing cool indoor air and engaging our palate with this marvelous lite tasting treat of catfish nuggets.  I prepare these quite often as they make for great finger food. These tasteful strips of fish seasoned with lemon pepper and dusted with brown flower are a quick fix in olive oil. . .They're light and airy to the palate.  Very low caloric intake..80 per 4 oz. serving Each bite affords your body magnesium, potassium and protein all quite beneficial to the body. How wonderful they taste dipped in cocktail sauce.  It's such a wonderful treat for the soul

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Red Alaskan Salmon

Red Alaskan Salmon
Let’s talk “SALMON” That wild red Alaskan type.   I think it’s the “wild red” that peaks my permanent interest as I eat this fish on the regular.  There is no other salmon in taste that can top red Alaskan.    The pretty firey red orange color is breath taking.  That color incorporates high levels of heart healthy Omega 3 fatty acids.  Salmon also supply’s our body with loads of DPA and EPA necessary for combating disease such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes.  Salmon is an excellent source of protein.  The nutrients in Salmon help in maintaining great skin as well.  While purchasing I visualize myself in the Alaskan streams and rivers watching these well tasting fish prepare for a trip to Tracie’s kitchen.   Me realizing my salmon has been flash frozen upon catch to secure its quality and freshness until baked.  I honestly believe the pieces I purchase from my local fish market expect to see me at the end of their long journey from Alaska.  As pretty as they look in my bowl I can hardly wait to eat this delicate tasty treasure of a fish.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Blackberries & Bananas

Bananas & Blackberries
Tasty snack of Bananas & Blackberries
Blackberries caught my eye today at the market.  What can we do with these little black berries and who shall accompany them in the bowl of happiness.   BANANAS! I call it my quick fix food.  I had been craving one for a bit as I introduce this fruit full of vitamins and minerals to my palate just about every day.  It’s a major source of POTASSIUM and vitamins A & C.  Their bowl buddy blackberries also contain a vast amount of vitamins such as A, E & K.  Eating these fruits with similar vitamins and minerals in combination definitely gives you the most for a fruit salad affording your body a double dose of pleasure per spoonful.  I doubt very much if our bodies would argue with that.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blue Fish & Red Potato

Fresh BLUEFISH for the baking
Baked BlueFish & Red potatoes
This BLUEFISH dish is for LONG trip ahead of us.  Although Bluefish is considered fish of high fat content I absolutely love this fish.  Maybe it’s the name “BlueFish”.  I admire the blue tint as I stare at its freshness with its source of Omega 3 and potassium.  After baked squeeze lemon and marvel in its taste.  FABULOSO!!  No qualms with the meaty taste considering the sufficient amount of Omega 3.  Along with baked red potatoes it made for a great meal for distanced travel. Potato screams that forbidden word "CARBS". YIKES! but its all good as we must consume a degree of carbohydrates each day.  Rub this pretty vegetable with olive oil and bake right along with the fish.  The skin holds the major source of vitamin C, essential for tissue repair, fiber and minerals such as Thiamin, Niacin, and is very important this part of the potato be eaten They inhabit very little fat.  Anything with the right amount of vitamins and very little fat gets a nod from me.  So lets all enjoy this marvelous dish of Bluefish and red potatoes with a smile. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mango & Dates

Mango & Dates
Mango & Dates
It’s a rainy day in New York but I’m in a tropical state of mind.  About to introduce my body to the same feel with a Mango & Date salad.  Mango known as “King of  Fruit” affords us loads of nutrients such as Vitamin A,C, B6, Potassium and Copper.  Mango's contain a great source of beta-carotene which slows the aging process.  Sounds good but I KNOW I don’t want to be (?)<<--(covering my mouth) forever:).  Copper I find an interesting source of nutrient in Mango's.  Copper helps in the production of collagen as well as being an active brain stimulant.  Any nutrient beneficial to the brain is okay by me.  The brain RULES!!  Dates have chosen to accompany mango on this ride on the palate.  Dates bring along to this soiree their own nutrients such as Vitamin A, C as well sufficient amounts of fiber.  What a glorious treat for a rainy day.  Makes it all the better!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Field greens and Strawberries

Field Greens & Strawberries
Here’s my salad for the beach!!  It’s hot so I figured something combining a vegetable and fruit.  I have a twinkle in my eye.  Got it!! Strawberries and field greens.  These colorful greens are light and delicious to the taste.   I love their color diversity and source of Vitamin A, C and K.  Vitamin K is an amazing group of vitamins that aid in blood clotting, bone health and brain function.  I need my brain to be powerful because my thoughts are always full speed ahead about healthy dishes I can create.  Vitamin K also protects cells from oxidative stress.  I’ll combine these pretty leaves with an equally pretty partner.  STRAWBERRIES!!!  These red delicious delights known as the “QUEEN OF FRUITS”  How fitting for us ladies who will be devouring this salad.   Each bite enlightens my face as I bask in the knowledge of all the nutrients invading my body.  Nutrients such as Vitamin A, C, B6. potassium, and many antioxidants and flavonoids necessary for the immune system to fight and protect against illnesses related to heart and cancers.  The fiber and folate also found in these berries help combat heart disease.  This salad is full of fun, zest and is deliciously healthy.  Oh these Strawberries!!

Avocado & Blueberries

I am going to whip up a quick snack to take along on a boat ride.   I have just recently become a fan of Avocados.  Imagine all the vital nutrients in this varying size oval shape fruit I have missed out on?! NO MORE!! Avocados will no longer be ignored in my world.  Avocados are high in fiber and inhabit 20 wonderful vitamins under that skin and offers polyunsaturated and monounsaturated.   THE GOOD FAT!! They are sodium, cholesterol and trans-fat free.  YAY!!  I’m going combine blueberries to give the dish a nice twang.   They’re small but can hold their own bringing to the mix a great feast of nutrients and extreme amounts of antioxidant phytonutrients.  These are non-vitamin and non-mineral but still quite beneficial to the body and heart.  They contain antioxidants equivalent to 1800 IU of Vitamin E and 1200 milligrams of Vitamin C.  Phytonutrients help the body and brain cells communicate more efficiently with one another and we all know the importance of communication in life.   Few arguments between these two I bet:)
Get the bowls ready people I have the most amazing salad for the best parts of us that keep us so compassionate and intelligent.  The HEART and BRAIN!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Broccoli & Pineapple

Broccoli & Pineapple
Fresh Broccoli
Broccoli salad preparation is underway.  Yum! These beautiful rosettes are known to have been popular in Italy since the Roman times.    How contrite for this Italian fashionista. I prefer to eat them raw as cooking will destroy 90% of a beneficial anti-cancer compound called Sulforane.  Off with that oven please!!  Besides I think the rosettes are too pretty to cook.   I would like to eat this vegetable with joy all the while absorbing its nutrients to capacity.  Mixed  with fresh pineapples and drizzled with Vinegrette gives this salad a sweet tangy afternoon breezy taste.  Complemented with the thoughts of the magnificent nutrients both are wrought with such as the vast amounts of Vitamin C and manganese in the pineapples and the anti-oxidant Vitamin A in broccoli make you want to never stop crunching on this dish I am now devouring as I blog.  I just couldn't resist the wait time!!